Jessica Pyper | Yoga, Wellness, Adventure

There's no greater way to destress than partaking in a yoga retreat. Deepen your practice, let go of shit that has been weighing you down, and learn to love yourself unconditionally. The best gift you can give to yourself.

Enjoy a well deserved getaway in the sunshine! 


I am a yoga student, and teacher. I love learning, but only things I'm passionate about. I need adventure like most people need to breathe. I love helping people overcome their fears and live the life of their dreams. I have an identical twin sister and an older sister. I floss my teeth every night. I am obsessed with houseplants and headstands. I have been to 15 different countries and 5 continents. I love classic rock music. The only thing I'll ever feel guilty about is spending a whole day indoors... Seriously. I eat really healthy most of the time, but will never deprive myself of treats. I drink coffee every morning because I love the taste. I love to snowboard, scuba dive, mountain bike, climb mountains, skydive, chill on the beach... or the couch, star gaze, and eat good food. I love travelling and exploring new places.

I am just a girl who is in love with all that is. 

My purpose

I'm Jessica Pyper and I'm a teacher, more specifically a yoga teacher. But its not the stretches, strengthening and prevention of illness and injury that keeps me in love with teaching yoga- its the learning to let go, learning to love yourself as you are, and the integration of gratitude and self esteem that i love most about teaching. I am on a journey of 'believing in myself' and I'm constantly proving to myself that I can do things I once thought I'd never ever ever do- like a backflip on a snowboard, or handstand into crow pose, or double black diamonds on my mountain bike, or teaching international yoga retreats, or following my dreams. I'm learning that the only thing that's been in my way this whole time is my mind. My mind- built by a collection of failures, injuries, broken hearts, and rejections from the past that has turned possibilities and opportunities into fear. Fear of rejection, fear of getting your heart broken, fear of getting hurt, fear of failure, fear of not being good enough... Sound familiar? The good news is- we don't need that shit. And the better news is- we can overcome it. Through recognition of our deepest fears, facing them, and taking tiny teeny baby steps in their direction, we will overcome them. This is what I love teaching more than anything. I truly believe this is my purpose in life- to help people overcome their fears and live the life of their dreams. If fear is something you feel like is preventing you from reaching your highest potential- let me help you. Email me and I'll give you the best advice I can. All because I love you.